Love in the Time of Corona

People have been asking me what they should be doing and taking to prevent illness and to protect themselves from the corona virus.

Many thoughts are swirling through my head and, like everyone, my emotions are up and down, wondering what is going to happen. My thoughts go to my family and friends scattered all over the country and the world. I have been on the phone often with my children. My daughter in lock-down in France and my son is in Massachusetts, staying home like the rest of us.

Consider the concept of physical distancing as opposed to social distancing. Socially we can be together in many ways. Ways that were not possible for prior generations.

Call your friends, and send emails to folks who you haven’t seen or connected with for a while. Get on FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom and have conversations with your friends and family. We can still stay connected.

I see many people stepping up and offering their services on-line. My exercise studio, Ananda, is offering Aya dance and yoga on-line, and one of my friends on the west coast is offering Qi Gong classes.

The possibilities for connection are vast. We need each other and our social networks keep us healthy.

Connect with the earth. Get outside and go for a walk or at least walk around your yard. Head to a park and see the emergence of spring that is beginning to occur. This will help you to balance and to get truly “grounded”.

Nothing will lower immune system more quickly than to focus on stress and fear. The opposite emotion is love. Boost immunity by focusing on what it is that you love and appreciate. Be grateful for what it is that you do have. Send loving energy to all of your loved ones. They will feel it.

Be mindful, not mindless about the news. Choose a time each day to catch up but don’t have mindless negative chatter and frequent news updates going on in the background at all times. I am not asking you to live in a bubble with blinders on, find mindful balance in the chaos.

Please eat real food as much as possible. Vegetables, fruits, meats, and good fats, like olive oil and coconut oil, are good choices. Any sugars feed bugs in the body, so limit your use of sugary drinks and snack foods. You may also want to limit the number of starchy foods that you have like breads and potatoes because they will break down to sugar quickly in your body.

Everyone should be taking a good multivitamin. The majority of people also need additional Vitamin D. It is vital for immunity. I prefer the kind of D that includes Vitamin K.

I’m not fond of the choices at big box stores. They often have added fillers, sugars, and food coloring. No one needs these things. The nutrients in them are usually not in forms that are absorb-able by most people. It can take more body energy to process them than any value you obtain from them.

I am keeping my natural pharmacy of professional quality nutrients well stocked. Reach out if you need something! Choose to get your multivitamins from me or from a reputable health food store. Some of the multilevel companies have good multivitamins.

There are several other products that will boost immunity but each person is an individual and needs vary. Some need extra zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, n-acetyl cysteine, or specific herbs and vitamins that assist the lymphatics to circulate white blood cells that fight infection.

If you are concerned and want me to go over your supplements to be sure you were taking the right products to boost your immunity give me a call and I will get an appointment scheduled with you.

Although I am seeing patients in my home, if you are concerned about coming to my home for an appointment, I am happy to meet with you via FaceTime or Zoom. I can also mail supplements or leave them outside on my back porch for you to pick up.

I may not be able to completely prevent you from getting sick, however taking the right nutrients boosts immunity, and will help you to heal faster with less adverse problems.

Chiropractic adjustments also boost immunity by stimulating the autonomic nervous system.

I am planning to be open to care for patients as long as I am allowed to. I am taking special care to disinfect my tables and my environment and I am spacing visits so there are very few people at my home at any one time. Feel free to make an appointment online at or call me directly at 319-558-6023.

Sending love and healing energy to all,

Dr. Val

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